Aural Candy Vox

Monday, September 11, 2006

News: ルルティア (RURUTIA) / Chorion [2006.11.08]

This November, RURUTIA will entrance us once more with a new album, Chorion.

Artist: ルルティア (RURUTIA)
Release: Chorion (album)
Date: 2006.11.08 (now available for pre-order)
Catalog Number: PHOX-100004
Price: 3,000 yen

2. 玲々テノヒラ
3. 星に花、灰色の雨 (Album ver)
4. 水景色 星模様
5. 願いの届く日
6. スピネル
7. Time Traveler
8. パレード
9. 微笑みのマリア
10. マグノリアの情景
11. ABINTRA (Inst)
12. 水景色 星模様 (Inst)
13. 願いの届く日 (Inst)
14. スピネル (Inst)
15. 微笑みのマリア (Inst)


SID's album, play, is now available for pre-order on (and no, that's not an affiliate link). I asked their customer service 2 days ago requesting for it. Today they've already e-mailed me back and told me it's now on their site. Awesomeness.

I pre-ordered the type A limited edition, with CD and photobook. I originally wanted type B (CD and DVD), but after thinking long and hard about it, I decided on type A instead. My logic is, a DVD's digital content can be easily replicated, but there's really no way to perfectly reproduce a photobook. Thus, type A with the photobook is more special. It enhances my nice feeling of exclusivity. =P

Oddly, type A is $1 cheaper than type B. I'm guessing it's because type A weighs less, so when YesAsia takes into account the "free" shipping, this weight difference is adjusted.

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