Aural Candy Vox

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I Missed Dave Matthews Band Concert (By Choice)

Okay, call me foolish for missing Dave Matthews Band's hometown concert.

My house had a fundraising event in which residents could volunteer to be backstage curtain handlers on the two nights Dave Matthews Band was performing here. This was of course the perfect opportunity to be close to the band during the concert. The idea of watching the band from backstage and only being a few feet away from them is indeed quite attractive. Had I remotely been in my right mind, I'd have jumped at the chance.

However, I wasn't anywhere near being in the right mind. The concert nights happened to be on the same week in which I averaged 3 hours of sleep every night due to having to work on massive projects. By the time the concerts came around, I was so burned out and felt so dead that I couldn't have cared if lightning struck and killed my pet dog (figuratively speaking). All I wanted to do was to sleep for 3 days straight.

So, while my housemates were out having fun helping out at Dave Matthews Band concert, I was sleeping.


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